Computer Ethics
What you should know about computer ethics?
Computer Ethics:
The information and the age of humanity
The widespread use of Computer,information system and telecommunication system has created major concern on the invasion privacy of indvisual as well as government and bussiness and organization,which lead to crime and fruads.Computer have made data both easir to obtain and easier to store. The increased ease of obtaining data tempts organization to collect and store more data then necessary.The controll to acess data become less when it becomes part of a huge database and its security becomes a problem.
If user ( induisuals as well as commerical and government aggencies)donot use computer data in a responsibal manner and if they use information store in the computer without the regard of other the more laws will be passed to restrict the use of computer and computer data.Such restrictions can be very detrimental to the free flow of information.Education is means of changing peoples attitude towards security.People must come to understand the unauthorized intrusion ,How ever innocent it may seem ,is a crim.They whould realise their responsibility for computer security.It is important for our society to educate our peoples at any early age about Ethical issues related to the use of computer in order to protect the free flow of information the we currently Enjoy
Ethics is concerned with the standard of moral conduct . Peoples who are unethical donot necessarily break the law.But they are angaged in activities that are damaging other and to society at large.Computer offer us a wide range of Exiting and innwativ application that can inprove our lives.At the same time they also introduced Ethical issues that have not been dealt with before.As a society ,we have to decide if we will use this new tools for the beeterment of mankind or for distructive perposes.
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Computer Ethics:
The information and the age of humanity
The widespread use of Computer,information system and telecommunication system has created major concern on the invasion privacy of indvisual as well as government and bussiness and organization,which lead to crime and fruads.Computer have made data both easir to obtain and easier to store. The increased ease of obtaining data tempts organization to collect and store more data then necessary.The controll to acess data become less when it becomes part of a huge database and its security becomes a problem.
If user ( induisuals as well as commerical and government aggencies)donot use computer data in a responsibal manner and if they use information store in the computer without the regard of other the more laws will be passed to restrict the use of computer and computer data.Such restrictions can be very detrimental to the free flow of information.Education is means of changing peoples attitude towards security.People must come to understand the unauthorized intrusion ,How ever innocent it may seem ,is a crim.They whould realise their responsibility for computer security.It is important for our society to educate our peoples at any early age about Ethical issues related to the use of computer in order to protect the free flow of information the we currently Enjoy
Ethics is concerned with the standard of moral conduct . Peoples who are unethical donot necessarily break the law.But they are angaged in activities that are damaging other and to society at large.Computer offer us a wide range of Exiting and innwativ application that can inprove our lives.At the same time they also introduced Ethical issues that have not been dealt with before.As a society ,we have to decide if we will use this new tools for the beeterment of mankind or for distructive perposes.
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Note:You must read the terms and conditions ,disclamer and privacy policy before containing on to this website,and,for any illigle purpose i shall not be responsible .You can contact us to for any complaint or problem.